Saturday, July 24, 2010

It Should Be...

Today was one of these days - it should be like this and it actually was...
The weather was PERFECT - sorry NYC and Japan dealing with way above 90 degree with high humidity. Here just about 80 degree with low humidity.
I started my day by doing a jog for 15 minutes or so to just feel good, before grabbing a cereal breakfast - no more oily stuff.
I headed to the university district where U of Washington is located. There are many "cheap" food for school kids and my target for today (or every day???) was - Korean.
I have been eating very well this week so I needed something not feel too bad but a the same time a bit of guilty pleasure to me. This must be for TWO people in Japan but there was no other person but me.
There were a few Korean girls eating there, so it must be authentic enough and at least it was good for me. I will add this to my "to go for the weekend" restaurant list.
Next stop was Magnolia park - northwest side of Seattle. I brought my book "The Help" with me along with a few towels there and I was laying down under the tree for a couple of hours reading and napping... Sunshine was strong but as long as you are under the shade, I felt even chilly with shorts and short sleeve shirt.
It was a perfect Saturday and I am hoping tomorrow will be as nice as today. I am thinking to go for a hike with my friend, so stay tuned for some "wild" pictures.

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