Sunday, January 3, 2010

First THREE Days in 2010...

Typical Ne-Sho-Gatsu (do nothing but eat/drink and sleep over the first three days in Japanese), we did not do anything special. Weather was not that nice either - really cold or snow. A drive or a walk every day to get fresh air outside, otherwise we stayed in.
At least we cooked every day though - a bit of Japanese (or my home's) tradition Chawan-Mushi (egg custard) one day and Korean style dinner the other day. We nailed the short ribs we usually eat at a Korean restaurant in NJ, even though we still needed some trials/errors on the soup. I made another Kabocha pumpkin dish and this time was even better than last time. I wondered where this pumpkin came from since it is a summer vegetable.


  1. Where do you eat Korean dinner in NJ? I'd like to know of a good place.

  2. Thanks - Tiffany,
    Fort Lee is another Korean town in this area, and we go only So Kong Dong Restaurant ( where you can find only several soft tofu soups and beef rib. I hope you love this place as much as we love.
