Saturday, April 17, 2010

American-Chinese Dinner and Newly Opened Fairway Market

Friday dinner - where should we go???
We ended up with an American- Chinese. It is purely managed by Chinese people - they even don't speak English well, but the food they served was totally Americanized. Even I, non-Chinese, can say that they don't eat this kind of food. Look at the inside. Nobody thinks that this is a Chinese restaurant. If you pay close attention, there is NO Asian people either. This is NYC, so there are Asian people in every block.
We ordered Orange Beef (very typical American-Chinese) and two types of noodle dishes. Yes, we love noodles. We could not finish all the dishes so they will be our Saturday lunch.
New Fairway (one of our favorite grocery stores in NYC) opened new one in the Bronx. It is huge (compared with the one in Brooklyn). They carry great produce (and cheap). But the bargain we found was $1.99 chicken breast. It was 5 lb pack but we can always keep them in the freezer, so we don't have to eat chicken all week.
We bought French style apple pie. I guess French means no top cover, but sliced apples. Looks much healthy.
Even our Chinese dinner was huge, we had a room for desert. It was good.

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