Sunday, July 26, 2009

Food, Food and Food

I try to be healthy in terms of food I eat. I mainly cook only vegetables, while I eat ANYTHING when I go out. After eating OX tail noodle soup for Lunch, our dinner at home was "lighter" side - fried chicken tenders with greens, so it can be categorized as "salad".
Lunch on Saturday was a different story, since we went out, meaning I can eat ANYTHING. So this time we went to Apple Bees - neighborhood restaurant chain, and got a big BBQ burger with onion rings (1,500 calories per their menu).
As health conscious person like me, my dinner was of course lighter side - salmon with Miso glaze along with broccoli, zucchini and brown rice. It came out really good except the room smelled like Miso over night.
Can I still say I am a health conscious eater after these three meals?


  1. 相変わらずお洒落なご飯だなあ。

  2. Thanks for the comment. Not always looks nice, since there are meals just left over, but I try my best to make the meal in pretty look.
